was born in Budapest in 1977.
In my childhood I had already felt affected for animals and
nature. That is why I understood I would choose a career of
that kind.
With my family we lived in a housing estate, however our days
were embellished by several animals: fish, amphibians, birds,
small and bigger mammals. As my Mum said: we just missed an
But my first dog, a blue-merle collie, the "copy"
of the star of my favourite book of that time, Lassie, was
the number one among all my animals. His name was
Lipták Völgyi Ajax.
We went through many strange adventures with him. We got acquainted
with the excellent character, exceptional intelligence and
persistence of sheepdogs. Last but not least his fascinating
elegance, stylishness, and nobleness carried us away.
Meanwhile years had come and gone I was more and more oriented
towards to become a veterinary surgeon.
Then a sudden first visit paid in Sopron and in the Forestry
and Timber Industry University of Sopron (at present University
of Western Hungary) my fate was sealed!
the Town of Faith I gave my vote for the liberty of the nature
instead of the walls of a laboratory and white walls of a
vet consultation room.
have been loyal to that career since that time. My life is
made accomplished by forestry - hunting. I am lucky because
my work is my hobby too.
During my school years in Sopron I decided to have a Companion,
a trained gundog as soon as I was graduated.
My dog Ajax was 14 years old, when in 1999,
just before Christmas, he sadly passed the Rainbow Bridge
with dignity.
Of course it was out of question buying another Collie and
my parents told me that we should have another dog of our
own, when my sister and me would leave the family nest, they
did not want another dog because Ajax could not be replaced
at all!
I wanted a dog, a gundog ...... I wanted it very much!!!
was seeking a breed which was similar to me, with which we
were made to each other. I was looking for an uncommon breed
with plenty of temperament, passion, willing! I had requirements
for its appearance too. With Ajax we were accustomed to the
elegance and beauty!
big dog, with long hair, elegant, noble and proud appearance,
uncommon breed. And the solution was:
common history with a promising male, Gor-Csa Comanche,
out of the Gordon Setter Kennel "Gor-Csa"
of Gödöllő started in February of 2000. I found him after
a long searching.
It was love at first sight!
I had great plans with him - hunting, showing, breeding -
but sadly fate decided otherwise.
Youth of Comanche was full of accidents, thus surgical interventions.
Temporarily I had to give some of my aims up.
due to his clever, attentive and easy to learn character his
gundog training had not been cancelled. We went everywhere
together, he worked very well in the water and performed very
well in pursuing. Our cooperation was full of happiness.
willed it that the owner of the Gor-Csa Kennel - Aradi Gyuri
- offered me to have a puppy form the litter sired by half
brother of Comanche (Ch.Triomfante van Monte di Angeli). I
decided to have a female, Gor-Csa Igrain
"IRA". She came to us in 2001.
IRA spent her youth in the hunting fields and got acquainted
with the show ring too. However she was not a real show dog,
she preferred to be out of the show ring. She has a real leader
personality, a dominant female and she made good use of her
knowledge as a guard dog too.
As the years went by I was more and more thinking about to
found a kennel of my own, to have personal experiences of
the great joy and responsibility to have puppies, to find
good would be owners and to follow the puppies' future.
I did not want to do it in a hurry, I tried to find the most
suitable male for IRA. It was not simple at all, however finally
I found him! That male is: Ch. Nice Ryver Boby "Báró"
The mating resulted in 5 beautiful puppies born on the 19th
May 2008. They were registered under my affix, "STIRLING
How did I chose my affix?
I was thinking about the foundation of my kennel, first I
needed to find an appropriate affix.
wanted to have an affix reflecting well the noble, pride,
self-respecting and stubborn character of the Gordon Setters
and referring to their place of origin too.
long time fan of history, it was no doubt that I had to look
back into the past.
the winning tip was offered to me by one of my favourite films
which won 5 Oscars: Braveheart.
Short historical overview of the origin of the affix:
hero of the film is William Wallace of Scottish origin gaining
an overwhelming victory at Stirling bridge on the 11th September
1297. This victory was a determinant one in the Scottish history.
Wallace's forces were greatly outnumbered, the Scottish forces
headed by Wallace, put the English troops to flight. The tried-and-true
troops of the Earl of Surrey, containing 300 troopers and
10.000 foot-soldiers, sustained a catastrophic defeat when
trying to cross the river to its north bank.
getting back from the Stirling bridge battle, Robert Bruce
knighted him and proclaimed him the "Guardian of the
Scottish kingdom and head of its army". He was then called
Sir William Wallace. The official nature of his title was
claimed as Robert Bruce was not official king of Scotland.
Sir William could not be captured till the 5th August 1305
when he was turned over to English soldiers by a Scottish
knight in service to the English king. He was taken to London,
brought to trial in the Westminster Hall, found guilty and
condemned as a traitor to the king.
On 23rd August 1305, he was executed. His head was impaled
on a spike and displayed at London Bridge and his members
were displayed on different places to serve as a lesson: his
right arm on the bridge at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, his left arm
at Berwick, his right leg at Perth (Stirling), and the left
leg at Aberdeen.